People always say "Don't judge a book by its cover"... but that's exactly what I do. When I don't have a list of recommended books but desperately want to read one? I look at the cover.. the title... the author... whether its paperback or hardbound. The content of the book comes last... If I don't like the cover picture I tend to dismiss the book ... I might read it .. maybe when someone recommends it ... or if one of the magazines has a great review about it. There are exceptions like when the story line is really good but the cover isn't so ? I'll still read it .. Content at the end of the day is King but so is the packaging.
Same thing applies to us humans .. don't you think ? when I meet someone for the first time I gauge them on their looks, body language, what they say ... how they say it .... small small reactions... how they reply ...
Same thing applies to us humans .. don't you think ? when I meet someone for the first time I gauge them on their looks, body language, what they say ... how they say it .... small small reactions... how they reply ...
EDIT ~~ I wrote this back in 2014. 8 years later I am still trying to change this.
I have come to realise that people or even books are more than what they seem. As you grow older you realise how your rose tinted glasses can be broken or defective. You almost always have to take them off to see the real beautiful colours that of anything that chooses to exist in this universe.
Having said that, trust your glasses .. they aren’t always wrong 🙂
Sunrise over the Sahara.
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