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Coriander and Mushroom Noodles

The first food show I ever saw was Kylie Kwong's cooking with the soul... I love Chinese food andthis show tickled my taste buds visually...
Visually because I'm not a cook.. I love to eat and find cooking tedious and an appetite killer.
This recipe has been adapted from her Coriander Noodles, I tweaked the recipe to make it way way simpler ... so there are some different ingredients and some which I haven't used at all.

The ingredients I used are:


   - Rice noodles

- Garlic 

    - Coriander  

       - soy sauce
     - Rice vinegar
     - Salt
     - sugar 

     - Red Chilly powder

  • Fill a pan with water ... add some salt and boil the noodles in the water.

             Strain the water and then rinse the cooked noodles under cold water.

  • It's alright if the noodles are a little uncooked... They will cook when you add them to the mushrooms..

  • I added the coriander to the mushrooms ... but the actual recipe by Kylie Kwong has the coriander added to the noodles.. You can do whatever suits you best.

In order- Butter, Garlic, mushrooms, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, coriander and chilly powder.

  • The dish tasted yummy though I could've added some more soy sauce and oil with vinegar to give it a gravy ....
    Add salt and sugar as per your taste.. soy sauce is very salty as it is ... sugar is what balances the taste.
  • Best Served HOT .. ! :)


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